“Coming back” is a theme of modern culture beginning with Douglas MacArthur’s famous “I Shall Return” when he was forced to leave the Philippines at the beginning of World War II.
He made good on that promise, returning two years later in 1944 as the conquering hero.
More recently, Arnold Schwarzenegger uttered the “I’ll Be back” quote, establishing his acting trademark. Even a local pastor, said he wanted a tombstone at his grave that said, “I’ll be Back.”
In many cases the “return” is associated with victory, power and some kind of reckoning. The idea of a return is thematic in the New Testament, referring to Christ coming again to this earth.
Advent is not just a time to look back at the coming of the Christ child in the manger at Bethlehem. It is also a time to look forward with hope to His second coming in His full glory. There is a second advent in the future.
The “Second Coming” of Jesus Christ is a topic that has sparked heated debates about the millennium, the rapture and timing of the end. Books have been written and debates continue to rage.
Fortunately, these topics are not of great concern for children, particularly little boys, and girls. However, it is the second theme of Advent that carries some important truths that boys and girls can incorporate into their lives.
Let me share a few.
Advent Points to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Hope is a theme of the second advent tied up in two common words describing Jesus' return, “power and glory.” (Luke 21:27, Revelation 7:27 etc.)
These are two important ideas for children, all of whom face challenges and difficulties in life. Jesus will return and when He does, He will return with power ending the challenges children face. There will be no more tears, sorrow, or pain.
“Glory” reminds boys and girls that Jesus is awesome and when He returns, we will see with our own eyes how magnificent He is. The first visit was as a baby in a manger, but the next one will be spectacular.
The hope of the second coming should excite our children and cause them to look forward to the day Jesus will come back to our earth.
Advent is about hope for the future!
The thought of Jesus coming back to the earth should generate excitement with boys and girls. In fact, the Bible speaks of us “eagerly” awaiting His return (Philippians 3:20).
I am about to return to Texas for the holidays and my grandchildren “FaceTimed” me yesterday to make sure that I was going to make homemade French fries when I’m back in Texas. They seemed extremely excited.
We should help boys and girls get excited that Jesus is coming back. We should pray for His return and get ready for a big celebration. Many early Christians thought Jesus was coming back in their lifetime and we should help children live as though His return could be today!
Advent is about being ready for Jesus’ second coming.
Get to Work
There has been some time pass since Jesus’ last visit and that’s because He has some work for us to do.
We are to be living as the people of God, presenting Jesus to the world around us in word and deed. We can help children realize how important they are in God’s plan.
He wants them to be His representative at school, in the neighborhood and with people who don’t know about Jesus. Jesus has a job for us, between His first visit and next one.
Advent is about serving Jesus Christ in the world until He returns.
For many years, I thought Advent was about Jesus' birth in Bethlehem and the incarnation. However, I have come to realize that Advent is also about His second coming, the next advent.
This year, we celebrate the birth of Christ in the quiet backwaters of a manger in the village of Bethlehem. And we look forward with hope, eagerness, and service to His imminent return. This time in clouds of glory at the sound of the trumpet.
This exciting element of advent can add spiritual vitality to your Christmas celebration and keep Jesus Christ at the center of it all.