The Almighty's Dollar

The Almighty’s Dollar is the fruit of fifteen years of ministry in fifteen countries where Every Generation Ministries serves. Daniel Watts, the founder of Every Generation Ministries (EGM) worked with a team of leaders to develop a twenty-module training program designed to help indigenous Christian leaders to develop funding from their own Christian communities.

Developing those materials required a thoroughly biblical approach, the only certain truth across cultures. In the course of that work, it became more apparent how the current Christian funding approaches in the United States are rooted in secular marketing, advertising, and sales approaches. Daniel and the EGM team found it hard to find ideas like “making the ask”, “return on investment”, “high net worth individuals” and “major donor” in the biblical record.

With a fresh biblical approach, The Almighty’s Dollar, develops a thorough biblical understanding of fund raising and giving. The reader will be released from the awkwardness that has surrounded the topic of fund raising in the church and Christian non-profit world.

The Almighty’s Dollar will launch down a new path of fund raising as ministry and essential aspect of disciple making. The biblical exposition will give you the confidence that you are not seeking to fund God’s Kingdom work, as He is not in need of any resources (Psalms 24:1) but rather helping Christ followers grow in their spiritual life through their giving.

Some of the key themes are:

  • God Owns it All (Psalm 24:1)
  • Giving is a Matter of the Heart (Matthew 6)
  • Thanking God for our Salvation (Exodus 13)
  • No One is too Poor to Give (II Corinthians 8)
  • Giving is Response to the Cross (II Corinthians 8)
  • Giving is God’s Gift to us (II Corinthians 9)
  • Giving is an Act of Worship (Acts 5:21-23)

Adopted by ministry leaders and pastors in countries around the world the principles will transform your ministry or church in terms of fund raising and giving.

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You will not be receiving any fund raising appeals at any time and your e-mail information will remain strictly confidential. Welcome to the transformational children’s ministry community and God bless your ministry to His children!