KidMin Leadership
Early in my ministry life, I realized that a Sunday School teacher was a leader.
They were leading children, influencing them towards God’s purposes for their life. They are not a “volunteer” , working without pay and without compulsion.
They are leaders of children, with day jobs that vary widely from farming, banking, teaching, construction, home-making and real estate development. They share a common love for Jesus Christ and for children.
On the weekend they take up the mantle of leadership helping boys and girls of all ages know Christ and live the life He intends for them.
This series is dedicated to providing spiritual fuel for these unsung heroes.
The leadership principles we explore are true for all leaders, including children’s ministry leaders such as Sunday School teachers, VBS workers, camp counselors, and anyone leading children.
I realized that the most important tool a children’s worker has isn’t creativity, great Bible lesson plans, clever activities, games, humor, or all the subjects of “workshops” at a children’s ministry conference. The foundational tool is our deep and abiding relationship with Jesus Christ.
Leaders who abide in His unconditional love and experience His life-changing spiritual work are the tools He uses for transformational children’s ministry.
This is a series of Christian leadership principles that are not particularly unique or shocking, but rather profound in their simplicity. They are however, life changing in their application. Enjoy!