December 22

The Two Roads (Summary) (Part I)

Daniel Watts

Over the last year we have traveled down the road less traveled in Christian giving and fundraising. 

We have examined over twenty different Bible passages dealing directly with giving and fundraising. Many were in the Old Testament.

 However, the bulk of our time has been spent in II Corinthians 8-9, the Holy grail of giving and fundraising in Paul’s writings. 

A number of Old Testament principles are woven into Paul’s teaching and together they form a extensive body of teaching. This week and next we will sum up all of our teaching and then conclude with a summary blog. 

Here is a summary of the first eleven passages. In each case I will contrast the road less traveled with the more common road well traveled that is so widespread in the church today.

You will find a refreshing new paradigm for understanding giving and a new way of fundraising that I pray becomes more and more common. 

So, here goes!

Everything Belongs to God (Psalm 24:1)

Read the blog post: Everything Belongs to God

On the Road Well Traveled, learn about prospective donors, find a project that aligns with their heart and giving history, make the ask and do not leave without the check.

On the Road Less Traveled, present your needs and ask them to talk with God about giving and then do as He leads. Help people grow in their relationship with God through giving. 

Thanking God for Salvation (Exodus 13)

Read the blog post: Thanking God for Salvation

On the Road Well Traveled, support your church and God’s work around the world. We can invest in God’s kingdom work and see a great spiritual return on the investment.

On the Road Less Traveled help people understand that, through their material gifts, they are saying, “Thank You!” to God for the new life He has given us.

Bringing God Your Best (Exodus 13:11-13; 32:19-20, 26)

Read the blog post: Bringing God Your Best

On the Road Well Traveled giving is important for Christians and should be part of our regular financial plan.

On the Road Less Traveled everything we have belongs to God. To show our love for God and to show Him that He is our top priority, we give to Him.

Following Through on Your Commitments to Give (Leviticus 27:28-34)

Read the blog post: Following Through on Our Giving Commitments

On the Road Well Traveled make sure that people follow through on their pledges or commitments. Our ministry plans depend on their giving what they said they would give.

On the Road Less Traveled, help people be careful about making commitments to give. Then help people follow through on the commitments they make. 

Tithing on the Tithe (Numbers 18:25-32)

Read the blog post: Tithing on the Tithe

On the Road Well Traveled Pastors and Christian leaders receive meager pay, and they work countless hours, so they tithe their time.

On the Road Less Traveled , Pastors and Christian leaders love God and find joy in expressing that love by offering financial gifts to Him. 

Honoring God’s Vision for His Ministry (1 Chronicles 28)

Read the blog post: Vision Casting and Fundraising

On the Road Well Traveled share the vision for the ministry and invite people to invest in God’s kingdom work through the church or ministry.

On the Road Less Traveled as you share the vision for ministry, invite people to join God in the great work that He is planning to do. 

Setting an Example of Generous Giving (1 Chronicles 29)

Read the blog post: Leaders Set an Example in Giving

On the Road Well Traveled motivate people to give by developing a creative and compelling presentation of the vision and the financial need.

On the Road Less Traveled God honors the leader who is a generous and cheerful giver. 

Giving: An Act of Worship (Amos 5:21-23)

Read the blog post: Giving is an Act of Worship

On the Road Well Traveled we give to God as part of the worship service at church. We give money to support the church and its ministries, projects, missionaries, etc.

On the Road Less Traveled giving is an act of worship, an expression of their love for God and devotion to Him.

Giving: A Matter of the Heart (Matthew 6:19-24, 33)

Read the blog post: Giving is a Matter of the Heart

On the Road Well Traveled learn all you can about the donors. Find out what they like to give to and what financial resources they have available to give. Make the ask. Do not leave without the check. In the church context, capture the hearts of those large donors who have the most to give.

On the Road Less Traveled what we do with the financial resources God has entrusted to us reflects their values and their love for God. Giving materially is an important way we tell God that we love Him and that He is important to us. 

The Little/Big Principle (Luke 16:1-15)

Read the blog post: The Little Big Principle

On the Road Well Traveled stewardship is focused primarily on money. More funds are generally a sign of God’s favor and blessing.

On the Road Less Traveled we are to be good stewards of truth and people as well as money and time. Responsibly stewarding money—the little—is a prerequisite for being entrusted with these true riches of people and the gospel.

Stewarding People: Our Privilege (1 Corinthians 9:1-18)

Read the blog post: Supporting God's People

On the Road Well Traveled support missionaries with resources God has given you and be part of their ministry work. The primary partnership is between the giver and the missionary.

On the Road Less Traveled support missionaries with resources God has given you, always realizing that missionaries are primarily accountable not to the organization they serve with, but to God Himself. 

Next week we will look at the final eleven passages and I hope that you will be inspired to move forward on the road less traveled.

Check out our website at for more insights in the Road Less Traveled in Christian giving and fundraising.

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